Sunday, January 1, 2012

Wow see a super liar korean xD


  1. Kcookie143 doesn't seem like a person who'd fake... But that piinkshock girl is like totally fake. >.< you can just tell!
    By the way how'd you figure out that she was faking all the people on interpals?

  2. <-- her real facebook?
    I went on a video chat thing she linked...
    and the girls face that showed up was alot..except smaller eyes.. like hers (piinkshock) .. :/ but she was blonde hair????

  3. Why are you so mean? What you're doing here is cyber bullying and you could easily be prosecuted for it so watch your mouth, because your words become your actions and according to your words, you're that girl that laughs at people uglier. Who cares if she fakes it, who cares what she looks like, she can't help looking the way she does. I am not Korean but I always have and it's people like you that make me feel guilty my parents aren't Korean, sounds ridiculous doesn't it?
